The working hours of a Mission
If your asked! what does a plumber or mechanic do you would
be able to give a brief description so I thought I would let you know what I do as a mission worker so if your asked you can give a brief description,
6.00am wake (to hot to say in bed) turn on the computer to
catch up with overnight email and log onto the breeze wellington radio on the
Answer any emails for around the world
6.30 – 700am shower / breakfast (I like toast & bananas)
7.30am -8.00am head
down to the Presbyterian Church office and catch up with
other for a
sharing time followed by a 2-hour meeting on Mon/fri
on the disaster issues
8.30am Monitor containers arriving clearance thru
NDMO and customs
Agriculture and hand the containers over
to the distribution team
Update Blog Page
emails and keeping everyone informed of there
requirements for container movements & arrivals shipping
Monitor mission teams coming and going checking
on their Materials being
On site prior to them coming.
Following up on building projects
Answering questions via email for people
wanting to come help
(How ,when & where.) so they can come
and experience and help
Sometimes people have been referred
to me to check out
The state of the accommodation after
cyclone as no contact with
Hotels receptions has been able to
Organizations like United World / PCANZ/ Koreans church
Wanting a answer to questions on different
projects and my view
So that they can make decision.
Being available
to travel to outer island to get answers and overviews
Lunch time
11.30 – 1.30 two hours (great we
all should adopt this)
continue planning and preparing information and help
Keeping people informed here (as NZ errs)
we a very informed on what
is happening, But here it can get
(island Time) no worries it will
Happen when it happens.
Finish work 4.30
Come home do the washing ironing &
cooking followed by vacuuming
Clean toilet /shower and dust before
Gloria gets home
After 6pm
check more emails & Blog Page
8pm Log onto TV3 News (delayed) and try to get
full coverage without
9pm-10pm sleeps after cleaning teeth (married a Dental
Any jobs or shopping needed to be done just stop and go and
do it like
haircuts we don’t have to wait till after work, as it seems
we are full time here
so if we need to do
things when they pop up , instead of scheduling
Them into after work or weekends as it may not be there or
closed so
It makes sense to do it when it needs to get done.
We also meet a number of people at airports & hotels who
are coming going and need to pass on items on prior to departing a kind of drop
box. We have a guitar to hand over on Friday.
also host friends & Family time to time