
Thursday, 29 September 2016

This is the house at Wa Ngaire it is getting a paint job
this is the last project this year

we are also fixing the plumbing / Toilets

The power wire was removed so we have to
lay a new power wire.

Port Vila has 2 new fire engines 
The old ones never ran but were always on display 

The Military force are the firemen who operate these engines

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

The Iron sheet rubbish debris has been removed from
Onesua College 

This is Black Sands church 
and they have been given a 6000 ltr water tank
a huge change from 16months ago

The Beach Comber resort hot water pool 
this was destroyed in PAM   

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The Butterfly trust dental team checking in
 at Port Vila airport and are on their way to Lamap

We are having coffee and peanut brownies at the airport 
before departing

Transport travelling around Port Vila

This is one of the many food markets around Port Vila 

Saturday, 24 September 2016

These children have been collecting 
firewood for cooking the daily meals

They live next to one of the projects houses 
at the WaNgaire complex

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Some of the Tekara men have arrived back from Blenheim
yesterday (Wed) and were celebrating last night
and one of them was driving early this morning 
and here is the damage 

I think I know where his RSE money will be going towards
Not a good move Morris from Renwick


Our builder has built Alice a table for her kitchen

Patterson is helping with the wash basin 
plumbing at Twin Cain's 

Its been a full day to get the plumbing completed 

Here are the Onesua plasters
covering the block work on the Duplex's

This community are from the Island of Tongoa
and have been moved on by the Police 
but are now settling here 
Just down the road ( they will be again moved on soon)

Monday, 19 September 2016

The internal block walls in the Duplex's are getting a plaster
coat to give them a finished look.

These men are at the Onesua house's

The grass hasn't been cut and soon the elephants will be 
back in the long grass soon

Long grass is starting to grow again

The last of the soak-a-way pits at
Epule are being completed.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The builders are putting a new door on 
the next project !!!!!
Jensen house flat 4

They had to replace the door frame & door

This is a house similar to Sutherland House 
also need of maintenance.

maybe this is a project for next years!!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Painter has been painting Twin Cain's
and its the first paint job for 30 years

Looking a lot smarter now!!

The PCV Youth team are running the container this 
month and making a profit !!! 
Coffee / filled rolls

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

 I took this photo some time ago 
and its just shows you where the cheap seats are!!!

Great when its fine ,but not so good when it rains

I got caught in a traffic jam for 30 mins

Our painter has started painting at Twin Cain's

This is an old photo  "Oct 2015"

Monday, 12 September 2016

A Vanuatu bush umbrella 

we are eating Lap Lap the local food 

Here is the team who went on a days excursion trip
on the Island of Malekula

Sunday, 11 September 2016

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Then Push "PUBLISH" - and It gone to my email 

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Gloria has been creative this week for her class activities 

Both girls & boys get to play if the class achieve their school work first.

amazing what teachers do to keep students focus and motivated.

Its been another busy week with small building teams 
in different places

this is the porch at Twin Cain's (no concrete mixer used!)

Yowell is fitting a door  and wall at the WaNgaire house

The electrician has replaced all the wiring in the houses
with new cables
and all new plugs and light fittings 

Patterson Abuit put new post on this veranda

(this is at the WaNgaire house) 

With the remaining sand these children get 
to have a sand pit for a couple of weeks

We normally stop at this point to get our tomato's but, today 
this community village was dismantled and told to move on 
as they have been squatting on this land

The Police are here to enforce the removal of all structures
and to move the people on 

Sad but land issues are a problem in Vanuatu