
Monday, 29 May 2017

Today is tank day
(not army tanks!!!)

We are repairing the tank, as it couldn't handle the water
that TC Donna poured down the down pipe
it broke loose

we cleaned this tank also

We put this mosquito door back on 
at Sutherland house

This is the old way to get fine sand
for plastering 

I'm searching for cheap toilets & materials
for the project at Jensen house

Friday, 26 May 2017

Today started well !!!!
we got a table made

we placed some out door furniture 
and secured it so it wont go missing....

Alice loves her new table for her container kitchen

Seaside school got another new classroom

The new classroom

And this is where the day just went from Good to BAD
we got news that some of the toilets
weren't working at Twin Cain's Apartments

we had to get the sucker in and spent hours 
getting the problem sorted
and removed

It was full to the brim
about 15 years of .......
not a nice smell

we rewarded our workers with a bag of Flour 
and rice 

Mr Willy (theTeachers Union President) is coming to Ambrym to 
attend the opening of the Dormitory at Assie school
along with Ps Allen Nafuki

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The power meter to the containers has finally been connected
Alice & Arina can use the power to
make cups of tea and keep cold water !

"To Paul & Team from the Hibiscus Coast Auckland " 
we are pulling down the wooden shutters 
your team made last year for cyclone protection
They worked well!!!

We will be replacing this toilet when
the Moderator and his team arrive in August 
to do mission work at Jensen house

we are just doing preventative work 
until Moderator arrives 

A kitchen repaint is on the scope of work

and a kitchen bench will be also on scope of work

sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words

This is my friends Willy's son Bill
Bill  got himself on a bill board in Vila city
for Vanuatu Spring Water

Sunday, 21 May 2017

You can see the dry season hasn't arrived yet
We would have like it to have arrived,
as the New Police commissioner 
was been appointed today.

The whole Vanuatu Mobile force are on parade.
I remember the day's of standing on Parade in the rain LOL

The head lines in the news paper today

We had a call in Jan 2017, from a group of NZ women wanting info to
bring sewing machines to Onesua College 
to teach sewing and they made it to Onesua
 (while TC Donna was here)
well done Ladies

Jonathan has organised training for Teachers 
to be Leaders & Managers of their schools
its a Vanuatu Qualification Authority program 

well done Jonathan & Jenita  PCVEA

Saturday, 20 May 2017

This was Gloria's home for the week at Lamap Malakula 
A unused ward at the back of the Clinic. 

I took a water purifier in, we are now able to filter 
our water for outreach teams to have safe drinking water.

With no water in the accommodation, 
It as bucket showers all week from a full tank of clean water outside 

My bed in quite a large room. 
A door was put under my mattress to stop the sagging 

The kitchen in my accommodation,  
with NO gas or running water

So all meals were prepared, 
and cooked at the Clinic cookhouse by Jane and myself,

                                    Banana were the main food diet at Lamap boiled or roasted.
The rivers are up between Norsup and Lamap 
so no food supplies have come in by road 
since Tropical cyclone Donna

Dining hall, Gloria having breakfast with these dogs  x[8] 
which are Security on the Hospital grounds

Washing by hand at the clinics wash point 


Neighbours , view from my back door, lots cows pigs, fowl, 
 all living together.


The Dental store cupboard is now complete, 
 with stocktake, and Inventory done

The Clinic is ready for a Dental team arriving in July 2017


These fowls travelled back on the plane to Vila with me 
these are a birthday gift for a pikinini turning 6.
they came as a gift from the mother who is the nurse at Lamap. 
to her Daughter who lives in Vila.


Thursday, 18 May 2017

Gloria left for Malakula Lamap on Monday to Stocktake
 and complete the Inventory at the Dental Clinic
After a Delay and plane problem in Vila she was put on this small plane, 
like a sardine can all squished in 

They set off to the Island which took an hour to fly there from Port Vila,  
Lamap is in site ,so we will soon be landing. 


A grass runway and we landed  safely,


Our arrival at Lamap and now a truck ride to the Hospital clinic.

 This is the Food Market, Open on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, 
 at Lamap, with Banana and Island cabbage for sale,  
this is the main diet, with a few Avocado and oranges.

Cooking meals in the local kitchen cookhouse 3 times a day 
No power. Bucket showers,  but a flushing toilet. 

Home safe today on a bigger plane, and happy with the job done 
at the clinic, 
she  will post some clinic photo's tomorrow.