Today we went to Judy's house to
look at a roof leak problem she has.
Judy was an Instructor on the Village Health Course at Korvan.
This is the Aid Post which is attached to Judy's house
"No Nurses striking here"
cost of consultation
This is Judy's roof, she is going to need two new sheets
of iron, to repair the damage, caused by a falling branch
which bent the iron sheets, which now allows water to leak inside.
Judy has holes in other sheets of iron ,which
also allows water to come inside.
This is Judy's yard
These men are building the base for a water tank.
Here is the tank donated by Australian Aid
for this village at Etas
The tank building team needed some rubble,
to fill the tank base in before cementing.
They asked me if I could take a load of rubble back to
the village 2 km away
Lending a hand to make a difference
All in a days work
Alice from the container kitchen has got a
new 2 ring gas cooker , and her smile says it all
Yowell (Our handy man)
has a neighbour who has installed
a new water line to his house,
The people can now buy water at
50 vatu (NZ0.70) for a 20 liter container
No more walking to collect water.
Leinagus has painted her shower at Twin Cains
and it looks great ...PCV here is your painter for your Rental properties
trained by us over the past two years .Now Qualified A+++
Amazing where little critters come from.
This wee one took a ride with us
from Seaside School to the Airport this afternoon.
Holding on for dear life at 30 kmh
Here are the goal posts at Etas school
which St Kentigern School brought to this school.
The children have now made a new field.
This is the Landing Pad for this helicopter
on the waterfront in Vila.